Megan Hammelman

Megan Hammelman

Social Sciences
Cindy Klenke

Cindy Klenke

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Dan Manfredo

Dan Manfredo

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World History UCP

(Grade 9)
Credit: 1 (4.A grading)


包括对伟大运动的有限背景研究, people, 以及更早时期的文明, 这门课程的重点是从文艺复兴到现代的时间跨度. 内容为学生比较和分析文化模式提供了坚实的基础, 强调人类经验和行为的多样性和共性的. 这门课程强调从早期到现在的文明之间的联系. 在深度阅读,研究和先进的学习技巧包括在内.

World History Honors

(Grade 9)
Credit: 1 (5.A grading)


包括对伟大运动的有限背景研究, people, 以及更早时期的文明, 这门课程的重点是从文艺复兴到现代的时间跨度. 内容为学生比较和分析文化模式提供了坚实的基础, 强调人类经验和行为的多样性和共性的. 这门课程强调从早期到现在的文明之间的联系. 在深度阅读,研究和先进的学习技巧包括在内.

World History Advanced Placement

(Grade 10-12)
Credit: 1 (6.A grading)

PREREQUISITE: World History UCP, B or higher; Teacher Recommendation

The purpose of this college-level course is to develop greater understanding of the evolution of global processes and contacts in interaction with different types of human societies. This understanding is advanced through a combination of selective factual knowledge and appropriate analytical skills. Students will critically examine primary source documentation and analyze the meaning and impact on historical events. The course highlights the nature of changes in international frameworks and their causes and consequences as well as comparisons among major societies.


(Grade 9-12)
Credit: 0.5 (4.A grading)

本课程的内容将集中在政府机构, 对当前和有争议的问题的讨论, service learning, 以及民主过程的模拟. 本课程将深入分析美国政府对国家的影响, state, and local levels. 还分析了政党的作用, public opinion polls, the electoral process, and special interest groups. 2020级及以后的学生必须参加. 在这门课程中,学生必须通过美国考试.S. 伊利诺斯州要求的伊利诺斯州宪法考试.


(Grade 10-12)
Credit: 1 (6.A grading)

PREREQUISITE: World History UCP, B or higher; Teacher Recommendation

这门大学水平的课程是对社会问题的深入研究, political, economic, 以及欧洲从1500年到2005年的宗教思想. 重点放在批判性思维技能的发展, writing interpretive essays, 评估历史文献.

全球地理I -西方世界

(Grade 10-12)
Credit: 0.5 (4.A grading)

本课程研究世界的西部地理区域:北方, Central and South America, the various countries of Europe, 以及俄罗斯和中亚. The social, cultural, political, economic, 考察了每个地区的历史和物理构成. 此外,还研究了当前的问题以及它们与美国的关系.

全球地理II -东方世界

(Grade 10-12)
Credit: 0.5 (4.A grading)

本课程研究世界的东部地理区域:西部, Southern, Eastern, and Pacific Asia, as well as Northern, Central and Southern Africa. The social, cultural, political, economic, historical, 并检查了每个区域的物理组成. 此外,还研究了当前的问题以及它们与美国的关系.


(Grade 11-12)
Credit: 0.5 (4.A grading)

This class is an extension of the American History that allows students to investigate the history of the United States through a new lens. 从美国建国到政治,妇女一直在影响着美国的历史, social issues, societal structure, and beyond. 在这门课上,学生将学习美国的重要事件. 这门课将从美国建国一直讲到20世纪末期. Students will study a variety of topics through both primary and secondary sources and will demonstrate content knowledge in a variety of ways including a research paper.

Examination of the U.S. at War

(Grade 10-12)
Credit: 0.5 (4.A grading)

这门课程考察了美国人民在战争时期的经历, from the Civil War to Modern Day. 重点是战争对文化、社会、政治和技术的影响.


(Grade 11-12)
Credit: 0.5 (6.A grading)


This courses is intended to provide students with a detailed understanding of the structures and functions of American government. Students will be able to identify the major branches of government and describe the authority and responsibilities of each. Students will also understand the election process and recognize the differences between major political parties. Students will learn about judicial precedent and how constitutional law regarding civil liberties and civil rights has evolved over time. 最后,本课程将探讨当前的问题和公共政策辩论. 这需要大量的批判性思维, analysis, 以及对原始资料的评估. Students are expected to emerge from the course with a critical understanding of the processes, strengths and weaknesses of American government as well as an awareness of their own political views and implications of those views.


(Grade 11-12)
Credit: 0.5 (6.A grading)


This course introduces students to the rich diversity of political life outside the United States. The course uses a comparative approach to examine the political structures; policies; and the political, economic, 以及六个选定国家的社会挑战:英国, Mexico, Russia, Iran, China and Nigeria. Additionally, students examine how different governments solve similar problems by comparing the effectiveness of approaches to many global issues through analyzing and interpreting data to derive generalizations. Topics will include Politics, Political Institutions, Political and Economic Change, and Public Policy. 成功完成本课程的学生将:比较和对比政治概念, themes, and generalizations; describe and explain typical patterns of political processes and have behaviors of their consequences; compare and contrast political institutions and processes across countries to derive generalizations; and analyze and interpret basic data relevant to comparative government and politics.

United States History (CP)

(Grade 11)
Credit: 1 (4.A grading)

PREREQUISITE: World History CP; Teacher Recommendation

This year long course introduces students to the History of the United States from Colonial time to the present. 学生考察贯穿历史的重大主题. Opportunities are given to help students develop inquiry skills by gathering information from primary source materials and documents.

United States History (UCP)

(Grade 11)
Credit: 1 (4.A grading)

This year long course introduces students to the History of the United States from Colonial time to the present. 学生考察贯穿历史的重大主题. 将使用第一手资料和第二手资料. Students will demonstrate the ability to trace and analyze chronological periods and examine the relationships of significant themes and concepts in U.S. History. 学生将对历史事件进行排序, examine cause and effect, identify different perspectives, 并将历史情况与当前问题联系起来. Opportunities are given to develop advanced inquiry skills by gathering and organizing information from primary source material and documents.


(Grade 11)
Credit: 1 (5.A grading)

PREREQUISITES: B average or higher in previous Social Studies class; Teacher Recommendation

This year long course introduces students to the survey of American History from the pre-Columbian period to the early 21st century. 本课程是林肯学院的双学分课程.


(Grade 11)
Credit: 1 (6.A grading)

PREREQUISITE: English II UCP, A- or higher; English II H, B+ or higher

这门大学水平的课程使学生能够获得, 通过大学预修课程考试的好成绩, 在美国大学获得最多一年的大学学分.S. History. The course involves the reading, interpretation, analysis, and application of both primary and secondary material related to significant developments in the history of the United States. The student can gain both an understanding of skills that constitute historical study and the opportunity to develop those skills in preparing for the Advanced Placement Exam.

Child Psychology

(Grade 9-12)
Credit: 0.5 (4.A grading)

This course is a study of human growth and development throughout the initial stages of the life span. 重点放在与知识分子相关的主要理论和观点上, physical, 人类从受孕到学前阶段的社会和情感发展. Some topics covered include: how humans develop and learn from prenatal through pre-school years; parenting; genetic disorders; importance of play; and special guest speaker topics. 它是为任何对儿童研究感兴趣的学生设计的, families and parenting; or who may have interest in pursuing a career in early childhood, elementary or special education, child care services, social services, psychology, and pediatrics. By engaging in class discussions, activities and projects, students will gain life skills necessary to prepare them for their future as an adult in their chosen career path or family life.


(Grade 10-12)
Credit: 0.5 (4.A grading)

This course provides an in-depth analysis of the nature of our society in the United States today. Special emphasis will be placed on sociological terms and the study of American society today.


(Grade 10-12)
Credit: 0.5 (4.A grading)

本课程概述了我们的心理过程和人类行为. 一个经常被提及和详细讨论的问题是,“我们为什么要这样做??“覆盖材料的一些方法包括实验, group activities, online games, 以及国家地理节目《澳门平台网址大全》的片段." An emphasis is placed on case studies of unique people studied in the various fields of the course.

Psychology Honors

(Grade 11-12)
Credit: 1 (5.A grading)

PREREQUISITE: B average or higher in previous Social Studies or Science Classes; Teacher Recommendation

This full year course emphasizes the systematic and scientific study of the mental process and human behavior. The student will have an opportunity to research and explore a variety of psychological topics as well as design and conduct experiments in the areas of perception, memory, child development, 经典条件反射和操作性条件反射, social psychology, 以及其他心理现象. 重点将放在分析思维和研究.

Psychology Advanced Placement

(Grade 12)
Credit: 1 (6.A grading)

PREREQUISITE: B average or higher in previous Social Studies or Science Classes; Teacher Recommendation

This is a college-level course through which students will be introduced to the systematic and scientific study of behavior and the mental processes. 学生将深入了解心理学事实, principles, theories, 以及与心理学中每个主要子领域相关的现象. 重点将放在研究、案例研究和分析思维技能上.